Category: Software Engineering

Why did I choose Software?

I think the first question I need to answer is:  why did I choose Software Engineering?  Firstly, let me make something very clear.  I had a very hard time trying to make up my mind when I was choosing my specialisation.  In fact, I never intended to do Software Engineering, so the story about how…Continue Reading Why did I choose Software?

Zain’s introduction

This is Zain here (also known by my friends as Big Z) and I’m going to take you with me on the thrilling and intense journey that is Software Engineering.  So here’s a bit about me.  I went to Avondale College, I love food, I love cars, I play the saxophone, and no, unlike some…Continue Reading Zain’s introduction

Software Engineering – Aimee

Find out why this musician-turned-engineer chose to embrace her creative side and go down the rabbit hole of Software Engineering. Establishing a Level of Complexity “…a technique for managing complexity of computer systems…by establishing a level of complexity on which a person interacts with the system, suppressing the more complex details…” Abstraction (Computer Science), Wikipedia,…Continue Reading Software Engineering – Aimee