Category: Mechanical Engineering

What Doesn’t Kill You

You’d hope that after a whole year studying engineering, I’d have some idea about the specialisation of my choice, but I can honestly say that I had no idea. The last few minutes before the submission deadline were some of the most nerve-racking of my life as I underwent a soul-searching journey to decide what…Continue Reading What Doesn’t Kill You

Second year Done and Dusted

What a year it has been! For this post, I thought I would break down the reasons for why you should or shouldn’t choose Mechanical Engineering. Let’s start off with the pros: Mechanical Engineering is one of the core engineering disciplines, meaning that the scope for Mechanical Engineers is vast. Students seem to have the…Continue Reading Second year Done and Dusted

Semester One Done and Dusted!

Final verdict- it’s been one heck of a roller coaster ride. So how does one go about surviving Mechanical Engineering Part Two Semester One? Confession No 1: The first half of Semester One is a breeze compared to the second half, so be prepared. First up, ENGSCI 211; The Math Paper This half semester, you…Continue Reading Semester One Done and Dusted!

Why Mechanical?

What is it like to be a girl in Mechanical Engineering? This is one of the two most frequent questions I get asked nowadays. The other being “Why Mechanical?” Well, let me break it down for you. Yes, I am one of the dozen girls in part two Mechanical Engineering but that doesn’t make me…Continue Reading Why Mechanical?

Aathira’s introduction

Hello World. My name is Aathira and I’m here to give you a taster of what it’s like to be a Mechanical Engineering student. A little bit about me: I am a black belt in Taekwondo My family migrated to New Zealand when I was 7 Food is the love of my life I listen…Continue Reading Aathira’s introduction