Welcome back to the electrical blog!
Today, I’m back talking with some friends within my specialization about why they chose electrical, and what they get up to outside of their degree in their spare time. Let’s jump right back into it!
Name: Niwanthi
What attracted you to Electrical Engineering?
The small-scale nature of the field of electronics attracted me because it’s fascinating how we can design and build so much on the basis of components we cannot even see with our own eyes! I also started enjoying and appreciating more the challenge of solving circuit theory despite being overwhelmed in the beginning.
What are your hobbies/involvements outside of your degree?
I’m in the executive committee for IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) student branch at University of Auckland and part of the Women in Engineering Network (WEN). I also joined the University Badminton club which helped expand my social circle into the wider university community.
How have your hobbies/involvements helped you in terms of your degree/road to becoming a professional engineer?
IEEE and WEN have both helped bridge the gap between university and industry; having the opportunity to learn about what real world engineering is like and gave me the chance to talk with experienced engineers about my passions as well as concerns.
What are you most looking forward to this semester?
I’m most looking forward to the ELECTENG 209 group project because we are learning how to solve problems relevant presently to engineers and the industry, and implementing solutions, not only of the design but build process too.
What did you find was your biggest challenge last semester?
My biggest challenge was the computer systems paper, COMPSYS 201; specifically coding in a new programming language, VHDL. We didn’t get to practise it much so it was a challenge applying theory to design.
Name: Eva
What attracted you to electrical engineering?
I have always been drawn to electrical engineering. Really what interests me is two areas; Inductive charging and audio electronics. Inductive charging inspires me because I feel this has the power to change the world and the way we interact with machines in the future. Audio electronics interests me because I have always had a love for music.
What are your hobbies/involvements outside of your degree?
I am involved in the engineering revue and volunteer at WEN events.
How have your hobbies/involvements helped you in terms of your degree/road to becoming an engineer?
Other than building up a diverse range of friends that support you through engineering degree, I feel they give you an outlet to switch of and just enjoy being with the people around you.
What are you most looking forward to this semester?
I am really looking forward to the moment my ELECTENG209 project works (hopefully it does). I feel that after a long semester of hard work there is nothing better than having that pay off with it all working out.
What did you find was your biggest challenge last semester?
Because semester one in second year is jam packed with all the fundamental stuff for electrical and compsys, sometimes I found it hard to keep engaged with the content. But with a few good friends you can still have a good time.