Tag: brian

ā€˜What is Engineering Science?ā€™ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.

[Before we start, youā€™ve probably realised that Iā€™m terrible at giving in-depth summaries of course content. Last yearā€™s blogger Chantelle covers this semesterā€™s content in good detail, all of which has barely changed over the previous year.] ā€œIf these past few weeks have reassured us electrical engineers of anything, itā€™s that weā€™re by no means…Continue Reading ā€˜What is Engineering Science?ā€™ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.

Electromagnetic In(tro)duction

Welcome! Iā€™m Brian, and Iā€™ll be your Electrical blogger this year. I have been described by my COMPSYS201 lecturer as ā€œmaking things rather worse,ā€ and I can only hope to carry over this same positive work ethic and dedication as I enter the blog team this year. Outside of my degree, Iā€™m usually chasing deadlines…Continue Reading Electromagnetic In(tro)duction

The New World

Hope you guys had an amazing break! Though Iā€™m sure itā€™s been ā€˜part-timeā€™ break for some of you ā€“ those GPA 9s arenā€™t going to make themselves. In this first post, Iā€™ll give you a run-down of Mechatronics so far and why I chose it. Why Did I Choose Mechatronics? First years tend to choose…Continue Reading The New World