Month: September 2019

Why did we choose Chemmat?

So right now, you’re probably really in the midst of deciding what specialisation you are going to choose, and if you’re still reading my posts I assume maybe Chemmat is up there in your top options?? (No hard feelings if it’s not… no seriously… it’s fine 🙃) Early in the year, I made a post…Continue Reading Why did we choose Chemmat?

The Storm

Oh how time flies when you are having fun. Or when you have a MEDSCI test tomorrow, and a BIOMENG 241 test the week after.  Yep, things went from pretty chill to hectic in absolutely no time at all, and any chance of an actual break during our mid-semester break disappeared (along with my happiness)….Continue Reading The Storm

The Calm Before The Storm

So we are back into the full swing of things now, a third of the way up the cliff of Semester Two and becoming increasingly weary of the crux that lies above us.  The majority of us BME’s are sitting four papers this semester, and I am pleased to report that they are all very…Continue Reading The Calm Before The Storm

‘What is Engineering Science?’ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.

[Before we start, you’ve probably realised that I’m terrible at giving in-depth summaries of course content. Last year’s blogger Chantelle covers this semester’s content in good detail, all of which has barely changed over the previous year.] “If these past few weeks have reassured us electrical engineers of anything, it’s that we’re by no means…Continue Reading ‘What is Engineering Science?’ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.