Year: 2018

What is EngSci?

Engineering Science. What is it? I suppose it’s just a glorified applied maths degree. So you’ve come to learn a little more? Well, I can’t say for sure you’ve come to the right place but I hope I could provide some insight, as an insider to the captivating (and mostly busy) life of an Engineering…Continue Reading What is EngSci?

The Whirlwind

Hey everyone! My name is Anton, and I am a Part II Civil and Environmental Engineering student. Hopefully I’ll be able to give a fairly good representation of the whirlwind that is Part II Civil and perhaps even provide some cheeky tips on how to survive the year. Unlike other specialisations, Civil has the vaunted…Continue Reading The Whirlwind

Discovering Chemmat 101

Remember those days when you think your future is very uncertain and you are so scared to face tomorrow? I remember that day because for me as an international student in UoA, leaving my home country and coming back to continue my second year as Chemical and Material Engineering (Chemmat) student caused a huge breakdown…Continue Reading Discovering Chemmat 101

Remember Me?

Helloooo everyone! Hopefully some of you remember me from writing for The Inside Word last year, since I’m assuming most of you guys reading this are first years. Well, guess what? I’ve decided to continue my promising career as a blogger, because clearly that’s pretty much all I’m good at. We can call it… Part…Continue Reading Remember Me?

Giving It My All

Hello! My name is Nicholas and I’m originally from India, but I’ve been stuck in the New Zealand education system for 13 years, so I decided to give it my all for the last 5 and do an Engineering/Science conjoint, specialising in Biomedical Engineering (BME) and majoring in Physics. There are 3 things that have…Continue Reading Giving It My All

Beep Boop

If you’re interested in making things go beep and boop then you’re in the right place. Hi I’m Jonathan and I’m this years computer systems blogger. I chose computer systems because I’m the type of person that’s unable to stick with one thing. I have the attention span of a goldfish so having the ability…Continue Reading Beep Boop