Giving It My All

Hello! My name is Nicholas and Iā€™m originally from India, but Iā€™ve been stuck in the New Zealand education system for 13 years, so I decided to give it my all for the last 5 and do an Engineering/Science conjoint, specialising in Biomedical Engineering (BME) and majoring in Physics. There are 3 things that have truly changed my life, and all of them end in the letter ā€˜oā€™:

  • Lego
  • Spyro
  • Oreo


If you have ever eaten, stepped on or stared in awe at any of these things, you are my best friend already.

But Iā€™m not here just to make friends.

Iā€™m here to illuminate the wonderful world of biomedical engineering for you, to help you learn what itā€™s like to study BME, and to convince you to choose the best specialisation on campusā€¦ all through the power of web logs!

Wait, what? Theyā€™re called blogs now? Fineā€¦ through the power of blogs!

To give you a taste of what to expect from yours truly, let me tell you a story that begins in the basement of the Science Centre, inside a pale-yellow room devoid of UV light, with machines stirring away in the background, and me wearing my bunny suitā€¦ silently waiting.

Scared yet?

Donā€™t be.

I was waiting for my polymer chips to cool as part of my summer research and like a typical yet productive teenager, I went on my phoneā€¦ to check my emails for one I had been hoping to see for weeks. It was a gift that arrived 10 days before Christmas, the one with my future laid out in a few sentences. For some, that gift was a bombshell that dropped in the middle of their break. For me though, it was the end of a year-long wait because I knew exactly what was in that email.

My ticket to biomedical engineering.

Fast forward to the first week of semester 1 and I was proud, and relieved, to finally be able to say, ā€œI study BME.ā€.

So join me on a journey through the highs and lows and everything in between of biomedical engineering.

If you have any questions or concerns about BME or engineering in general, please do not hesitate to contact me via Facebook (hint: search my name)Ā or even better, find me on campus either at Unleash Space or near that amazing book bench in the Science Centre.

– Nicholas