Tag: mechatronics

First sem in Tron

Hope everyone is having a great semester so far. Can you believe we are already at the end of week 4? As we all try to get our heads around this engineering gig, I bet some courses have got you scratching your head, and maybe you are wondering what happens in the second year. So,…Continue Reading First sem in Tron

Why Mechatronics?

Hi everyone, and welcome to the second-to-last instalment of my blogs. As I was procrastinating and also pondering on what to write about next, it occurred to me that a lot of you may not even know what Mechatronics Engineering really is.  So, here’s a more in-depth intro into the world of Mechatronics and where…Continue Reading Why Mechatronics?

Siri, set timer for 3 weeks!

Welcome back everyone, and I hope you are all finding ways to stay motivated and healthy during this lockdown! Because personally, I’m starting to look more and more like my cat-friend Jerry over there. As the end of semester two fast approaches, I thought I’d give you all a rundown of the four papers I…Continue Reading Siri, set timer for 3 weeks!

Exploring Newmarket Campus – Looking at Fourth Year Mechatronics Projects

Still deciding which specialisation to pick? MECHATRONICS is obviously the answer! If my previous blog posts still haven’t been able to convince you to choose MECHATRONICS, maybe this one will. 😉 I had a fantastic time looking at the part four MECHATRONICS (and mechanical) projects down at Newmarket campus a few days ago. There were…Continue Reading Exploring Newmarket Campus – Looking at Fourth Year Mechatronics Projects