Category: Engineering Science

Semester 2 vibe check

Hey y’all, Are you vibing? Despite the relief we feel post-exams, it can still be a nervous time while we wait for our final results to arrive on SSO. Are you going to make the Dean’s Honours List? Are you going to have a high enough GPA to be eligible for Engineering Science*? Are you…Continue Reading Semester 2 vibe check

Semester 2 Wrap

We’re back team! Themes for this semester: groups, proofs, Excel and…. IC4! Semester 2 has been EngSci as its most raw form expressed through the likes of ENGSCI 255, ENGSCI 263 and a special feature from the compsci department: COMPSCI 225 (elective). The last paper is one I know everyone is looking forward to; ENGGEN…Continue Reading Semester 2 Wrap

A Day in the Life of.

Welcome back to another post of “why did I choose EngSci.” Now, this isn’t a second-semester review because I want to make the next one really detailed. Although, this does give me a chance to write a little about what we, as EngSci’s, do outside of the lecture theatre, leech and 70 (the EngSci building)….Continue Reading A Day in the Life of.