Category: 2017

Time to Decide?

Kia ora! So I hope that you have all been enjoying the posts I have been making this year and that I was able to give you a slight “appetizer” of the software life.  I hope that you also checked out the other blogger’s posts too because everyone has been contributing a lot of great…Continue Reading Time to Decide?

This Is What I Learned In My Second Semester Engineering Science Classes

We’re doing a Round Two of our favourite segment of these editorials, Tyler White Tries to Teach You Everything That He Learned in His Semester Two Classes (not including electives since you won’t necessarily do MECHENG 211 and I’m too lazy to teach that) ENGGEN 204: Managing Design and Communication I like to think of…Continue Reading This Is What I Learned In My Second Semester Engineering Science Classes


Kia ora everyone, Well, it sure has been an intense couple of weeks.  I have had pretty much zero time to blog, as we have all been busy with our SOFTENG 206 design project and studying for tests.  To be honest, it’s been a pretty good semester, with so many good memories made, but I…Continue Reading Survivors

Second year Done and Dusted

What a year it has been! For this post, I thought I would break down the reasons for why you should or shouldn’t choose Mechanical Engineering. Let’s start off with the pros: Mechanical Engineering is one of the core engineering disciplines, meaning that the scope for Mechanical Engineers is vast. Students seem to have the…Continue Reading Second year Done and Dusted

What a Year It’s Been

I honestly can’t believe that this year is almost over, and it’s nearly time for you to choose your specialisations for next year. It doesn’t seem like that long ago when I was in your position trying to toss up the pros and cons of a few of my favourite papers from the year. I’m…Continue Reading What a Year It’s Been

Engineering Science ≡ Suffering (I’m being serious. This isn’t a joke)

Engineering Science ≡ Frustration Frustration is a staple ingredient in the computer programming diet. Programming is a staple ingredient in the Engineering Science diet. Therefore, frustration is normal in the Engineering Science degree. I’ve already written about that. Engineering Science ≡ Failure You must have ambition and brains if you’re thinking of signing up for Engineering…Continue Reading Engineering Science ≡ Suffering (I’m being serious. This isn’t a joke)