Tag: mechatronics

Coffix, Please Sponsor Me!

Whirlwind. That is exactly how I would describe my so far time in Mechatronics. It’s been full of trials, errors and a lot of coffee. Amounts of coffix and fabulicious sherbets I’d never seen before. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jaynie and I’m basically always on the verge of a heart attack –…Continue Reading Coffix, Please Sponsor Me!

The New World

Hope you guys had an amazing break! Though Iā€™m sure itā€™s been ā€˜part-timeā€™ break for some of you ā€“ those GPA 9s arenā€™t going to make themselves. In this first post, Iā€™ll give you a run-down of Mechatronics so far and why I chose it. Why Did I Choose Mechatronics? First years tend to choose…Continue Reading The New World