Tag: engsci

Fun times in EngSci!

Before I delve into the depths of Engineering Science, I thought I would outline the cool adventures and opportunities Engineering Science has to offer.   Friends! I thought I would mention briefly about my time during lockdown as a first year engineering student. Unlike most others, lockdown was my favourite period last year due to…Continue Reading Fun times in EngSci!

Alright Alright Alright

Alright, alright, alright. After my terribly vague EngSci intro, I thought I should follow with some super specific deets. That is, the Semester 1 review; highlighting BIOMENG 221, ENGSCI 233 and, of course, ENGSCI 211. Quick note: semester 2 so far has been in no way reflective of semester 1. BIOMENG 221: Mechanics of Engineered…Continue Reading Alright Alright Alright

What is EngSci?

Engineering Science. What is it? I suppose it’s just a glorified applied maths degree. So you’ve come to learn a little more? Well, I can’t say for sure you’ve come to the right place but I hope I could provide some insight, as an insider to the captivating (and mostly busy) life of an Engineering…Continue Reading What is EngSci?