Part 2 of Civil has been an interesting year. There has been a lot of ups and downs, especially during the first semester with the ten million deadlines (or what felt like ten million deadlines) hitting you all at once. I wish someone had told me beforehand that it’s the most stressful semester out of…Continue Reading Recap of Part 2 Civil and Final Thoughts | #7
Civil’s Many Papers – Semester 2 Edition | # 6
The second installment of Civil’s five papers, for Semester 2. CIVIL 211 The course follows CIVIL 210 from the first semester and a core of the paper focuses on methods that allows you to solve statistically INdeterminate structures. With regards to the level of difficulty of the concepts, I think it’s still similar to that…Continue Reading Civil’s Many Papers – Semester 2 Edition | # 6
The Civil Cohort: a camaraderie | #5
Hey everyone! It’s been a hot minute since my last post, more than a month or so ago. With the rush of semester two, exams, and immediately working full time as an intern, there has been little time for me to properly sit down and write blog posts as much as I had wanted to….Continue Reading The Civil Cohort: a camaraderie | #5
Semester 1 Summary
Hi again everyone! How is it week 4 of sem 2 already? Kind of crazy how each week seems to fly by quicker than the last. I’ll definitely take it though if it means we are getting closer to a summer break. This new semester has already been quite the experience, with new classes and…Continue Reading Semester 1 Summary
The Whirlwind
Hey everyone! My name is Anton, and I am a Part II Civil and Environmental Engineering student. Hopefully I’ll be able to give a fairly good representation of the whirlwind that is Part II Civil and perhaps even provide some cheeky tips on how to survive the year. Unlike other specialisations, Civil has the vaunted…Continue Reading The Whirlwind