Category: Mechatronics Engineering

Coffix, Please Sponsor Me!

Whirlwind. That is exactly how I would describe my so far time in Mechatronics. It’s been full of trials, errors and a lot of coffee. Amounts of coffix and fabulicious sherbets I’d never seen before. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jaynie and I’m basically always on the verge of a heart attack –…Continue Reading Coffix, Please Sponsor Me!

A Few Parting Gifts

The end of the year is here and with it my last post. Itā€™s been rough and I know Iā€™m waaaaayyyyyyy behind on my posts. Apart from exams for MECHENG 211, 222 and ENGSCI 311, the main event for Mechatronics near the end of this semester was the last assignment for MECHENG 270 which was…Continue Reading A Few Parting Gifts

One Early Monday Morning…


With 24th of July came the most annoying end to the holidays: Explanation: notification comes out on Canvas at 7.30am telling the students with MECHENG 270 labs at 8 and 9am that the labs are cancelled this week. Thumbs up, lecturers! Now I canā€™t really call this yearā€™s inter-semester break a holiday ā€“ Warman project,…Continue Reading One Early Monday Morning…

Still Aliveā€¦ For Now

First off, huge shout out to the guy who left his MECHENG 242 exam room screaming, ā€œFREEDOM,ā€ like that guy from Braveheart. This semester has had its share of ups and downs: the fact that Mechanical and Mechatronics were the last cohorts to finish exams was a little demoralizing. But hey, we pulled through in…Continue Reading Still Aliveā€¦ For Now

The New World

Hope you guys had an amazing break! Though Iā€™m sure itā€™s been ā€˜part-timeā€™ break for some of you ā€“ those GPA 9s arenā€™t going to make themselves. In this first post, Iā€™ll give you a run-down of Mechatronics so far and why I chose it. Why Did I Choose Mechatronics? First years tend to choose…Continue Reading The New World

Bryan’s introduction

Whatā€™s good, everyone? Hope everyone hasnā€™t had it too rough this semester. Though, seeing all the first years examining door handles in the Engineering building reminds me that Creo isnā€™t something to take lightly. I still believe in you all, though – you can do it! My name is Bryan but some people call me…Continue Reading Bryan’s introduction