Category: Electrical & Electronic Engineering

5) Why would an Electrical student eat a light bulb? (Or a Dramatic reading of the 2nd year courses for Electrical)

I didn't draw anything; it's just text saying "I'm too lazy to draw this week lmao"

Not the first time that I had thoughts on chowing down on one of the many resistors we get to keep after every Electrical lab session. Certainly not the last! It’s been a few hectic couple more weeks since the last time I have blogged, but I honestly thought it was going to be a…Continue Reading 5) Why would an Electrical student eat a light bulb? (Or a Dramatic reading of the 2nd year courses for Electrical)

3) Be Positive! (For the sake of everyone reading, this is my Mid-Sem woes as an Electrical Student)

Staring out into the distance, I think about mid semester…

No matter watt! Considering that we are now entering the mid-semester study break (it’s never a vacation for us Engineering students, unfortunately), I’m sure that you also want to kick it back and not want to think about the work upcoming in two weeks, right? It’s a good time for me to gather my thoughts…Continue Reading 3) Be Positive! (For the sake of everyone reading, this is my Mid-Sem woes as an Electrical Student)

Bridging Theory and Practice: Electeng/Compsys 209 – PCB, Firmware Design, and Real-World Insights

Electrical Engineering isn’t just about theory; it’s about turning ideas into reality. In Electeng/Compsys 209, we bridge the gap between knowledge and application through PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and Firmware design. But that’s not all; this course also offers an exceptional opportunity to learn from experienced engineers who share their insights and journey in the…Continue Reading Bridging Theory and Practice: Electeng/Compsys 209 – PCB, Firmware Design, and Real-World Insights

The Digital Revolution: Exploring the Frontiers of Electrical Engineering

I enjoy the magic of electronics. Electronics are mysterious… yeah. Anonymous 3rd year student Electrical Engineering is not just about circuits and wires; it’s about the digital transformation that’s shaping our world. Chat GPT Greetings future engineers. By now, you should all have some experience and insight into each of the specialisations, with *some* idea…Continue Reading The Digital Revolution: Exploring the Frontiers of Electrical Engineering

Energising the Future: Electrical Engineering and Sustainable Solutions!

Engineering is all about innovation and solving real-world problems. What better way to do that than by harnessing the power of electricity for a sustainable future? Greetings, fellow advocates of a greener tomorrow! Sasha here, and today we embark on a thrilling journey through the intersection of Electrical Engineering and sustainability. In this blog, we’ll…Continue Reading Energising the Future: Electrical Engineering and Sustainable Solutions!