Category: Electrical & Electronic Engineering

ā€˜What is Engineering Science?ā€™ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.

[Before we start, youā€™ve probably realised that Iā€™m terrible at giving in-depth summaries of course content. Last yearā€™s blogger Chantelle covers this semesterā€™s content in good detail, all of which has barely changed over the previous year.] ā€œIf these past few weeks have reassured us electrical engineers of anything, itā€™s that weā€™re by no means…Continue Reading ā€˜What is Engineering Science?ā€™ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.

Electromagnetic In(tro)duction

Welcome! Iā€™m Brian, and Iā€™ll be your Electrical blogger this year. I have been described by my COMPSYS201 lecturer as ā€œmaking things rather worse,ā€ and I can only hope to carry over this same positive work ethic and dedication as I enter the blog team this year. Outside of my degree, Iā€™m usually chasing deadlines…Continue Reading Electromagnetic In(tro)duction


Itā€™s the 13th November 2018. Our last (and only) exam was 5th November. Yes, second year Electrical students have only one exam in the second semester. Now this probably sounds like music to your ears, it certainly did when I first heard this wonderful news! While it is nice having only one exam to study…Continue Reading YES I MADE IT

Pressing On

Hi there! Itā€™s been two weeks since the end of our mid-semester break. And by ā€˜breakā€™ I donā€™t mean an actual break, as in a holiday. Oh no no. I was busier than I usually am at uni (and thatā€™s pretty busy!). I shifted house during the break and that lost me about five days…Continue Reading Pressing On

Why Electrical?

After a nice break from the previous yearā€™s grind, it was time to get back to learning. I was indeed excited ā€“ I had already completed one year of my degree and made it through! I was on my way to reaching my goal. Since the second semester of the year before, I knew I…Continue Reading Why Electrical?