Category: Civil Engineering

Well… That Just Happened

So, we are done!   As of this blog, we are a few weeks removed from exams, and I hope you all are enjoying a well-deserved break. It’s a huge accomplishment to finish your first year of uni, so savour the moment and enjoy the freedom!   Being the end of the year, this will…Continue Reading Well… That Just Happened

How about a Proper Blog Post!

Rightio, the mid-semester break is already past us huh. It’s pretty ludicrous how fast the semester is going by. With only a mere couple months before the summer break, we are on the home straight. Hopefully the remaining pile of tests and assignments will go by somewhat quickly and painlessly!   Seeing as my first…Continue Reading How about a Proper Blog Post!

Semester 1 Summary

Hi again everyone! How is it week 4 of sem 2 already? Kind of crazy how each week seems to fly by quicker than the last. I’ll definitely take it though if it means we are getting closer to a summer break. This new semester has already been quite the experience, with new classes and…Continue Reading Semester 1 Summary

The Whirlwind

Hey everyone! My name is Anton, and I am a Part II Civil and Environmental Engineering student. Hopefully I’ll be able to give a fairly good representation of the whirlwind that is Part II Civil and perhaps even provide some cheeky tips on how to survive the year. Unlike other specialisations, Civil has the vaunted…Continue Reading The Whirlwind

What a Year It’s Been

I honestly can’t believe that this year is almost over, and it’s nearly time for you to choose your specialisations for next year. It doesn’t seem like that long ago when I was in your position trying to toss up the pros and cons of a few of my favourite papers from the year. I’m…Continue Reading What a Year It’s Been

Civil Still Has Five Papers

This post is a little bit of an intro to the Semester 2 civil papers. I recommend reading my post on the Semester 1 papers (Did You Know Civil Has Five Papers?) before reading this as lots of the Semester 2 papers follow on from Semester 1.   CIVIL 211: Structures and Design 1 –…Continue Reading Civil Still Has Five Papers


At the beginning of first year, my sole focus was to become a software engineer. Whenever I told people that I was studying engineering, I was quick to add on the fact that I hated bridges and I couldn’t image why anyone would want to be a civil engineer. You can imagine my embarrassment when…Continue Reading Surprises