Category: Chemical & Materials Engineering

Social life of a CHEMMAT student

Hey everyone! Now that we’re in the midst of lockdown, thought I’d reminisce on all the fun social events I’ve been to throughout the year. Even as an engineering student you can definitely still make time for a social life. Between CMESA (Chemical and Materials Engineering Students Association), WEN (Women in Engineering Network), and AUES…Continue Reading Social life of a CHEMMAT student

Another Year Down

Hey everyone, congratulations!! We all survived another year of university! Hopefully you all made it through your exams okay, and have almost decided on which specialisation is the best for you! This is, unfortunately, my final blog post of the year 😢 so I thought I would just give a brief summary of what happened…Continue Reading Another Year Down

Why did we choose Chemmat?

So right now, you’re probably really in the midst of deciding what specialisation you are going to choose, and if you’re still reading my posts I assume maybe Chemmat is up there in your top options?? (No hard feelings if it’s not… no seriously… it’s fine 🙃) Early in the year, I made a post…Continue Reading Why did we choose Chemmat?

Lecturers Write my Blog Post!

Hellooo, happy mid-semester break! For this blog, I thought I would give you a different perspective on what chemmat has to offer, so some of my lecturers have kindly offered some of their experiences and advice! Featuring… Amanda DiIenno, Thomas Loho and Steve Matthews 🤗   What made you decide to study chemical engineering? Amanda…Continue Reading Lecturers Write my Blog Post!

Too much to Process

So we’re four weeks into semester 2 and let me tell you, this semester is very different from the one I just described in my previous post (oops). A lot less chemistry and a lot more process engineering – as you can see by the course names: Process Design 1, Process Engineering 2 Energy and Processing,…Continue Reading Too much to Process

Sem 1 Sum Up 🌈

Hey all, welcome back! SO when I was in first year and trying to decide on a specialisation, all I wanted to know was exactly what second-year holds, in terms of the types of courses and the content that is involved. If that is also you, I have answered your prayers in this post ……Continue Reading Sem 1 Sum Up 🌈


Hey friends! My name is Rachel and welcome to my blog, where for the next twelve weeks I will be giving you all the inside info and tips for studying Chemical and Materials engineering! As I’m sure you would all know yourselves, engineering students struggle to find a lot of spare time. But when I…Continue Reading WELCOME 🌟🎉