LAST BLOG POST !!!!?!?!?!?!??! Tragic stuff. Heartbroken. Jk, I know you’ll survive without the beautiful literature and pure poetry of my blog posts.
I should be revising for exams, but the motivation in me is zero. Anywho, here is a cool blog post instead.
I think I’ve exhausted all my wisdom + experience on the topic of mechatronics so instead, for the last post, I shall give you a review of my year thru pictures bc I know with our short attention spans photos provide more joy than words.
How is this related to mechatronic spec decisions? I don’t know. But I’m trying to be original here and I swear if not me, every single past tron blogger has covered the main topics. I could give you “a day in the life”, but unfortunately I do not possess a super productive aesthetically please instagram influencer lifestyle. I genuinely tried cooking up a blog post for that, but upon writing out my daily schedule, it was so mundane and lowkey uninspiring that I don’t think you’d be extracting much value from it.
Actually, no this is a relevant and useful blog post. From it, you’ll see that, a mechatronic engineering student does have time for hobbies and a life. Mechatronics may be regarded as a competitive spec to get into, and relatively difficult, but you can still very much thrive.
We begin in Hong Kong and Canada!

Uni begins!

You aren’t a true engineer if you don’t boulder

I attempt a morning run and catch a beautiful sunrise

MECHENG 235 random gear lab

Car initiation. I have my license now!

Off to Sydney for a Case Comp!

What the cat doin?

Agatha (the neighbours cat. Who names their cat Agatha?!?!!??!?!?!) and Huihui (my cat, the grey tabby). Huihui does not like Agatha but Agatha keeps entering our house and eats Huihui’s food and poops in Huihui’s litterbox. We literally hide the litterbox whenever she makes her daily visit. She is the walking example of pretty privilege.

Again, I’m only including this so this post seems somewhat relevant to engineering lol. Welding is part of ENGGEN 299, a compulsory course all engineering students have to take. Its actually pretty cool, you take part in lots of hands on activities (e.g. making your own motor).
Alas, that is a goodbye.
That is all from me! Hope you enjoyed my posts and they were useful!! Have fun choosing your spec and have an AWESOME, RESTFUL SUMMER – you guys deserve it 🙂