Month: August 2021

Software yay!

Hey everyone! I’m Jess, the Software Engineering student blogger for 2021, quickly typing up this blog post in the midst of all the assignments. While I do question in these moments why I chose software, I thought I’d share a short overview of how I got here in the first place!    An introduction…  Fresh…Continue Reading Software yay!

Mech is Coming


The night is dark and full of terrors.  Wind howled in the night sky, trees battered against moonlit windows. Used mugs clustered on the counter, their contents consumed. The perpetrators lurk around a table nearby, amidst a pile of books and screens. Their caffeine-infused throats chanted elusive words, passed down from ancient times.  “Why isn’t…Continue Reading Mech is Coming

A short intro to the darkside

Equipped with little more than Kirchhoff’s laws and a potentially haphazard love for calculus, I decided to choose electrical and electronic engineering (EEE for convenience) as the number one option on my specialisation form. Goodbye friends lost to the other specialisations, ’twas a good one while it lasted. When I tell people I’m doing EEE,…Continue Reading A short intro to the darkside