Month: August 2021

Here we are again…

Well, here we are again – another lockdown, another round of online learning.   But before I launch into stories about silent zoom sessions and lectures that are suddenly 1.5 times as long, I want to jump back to the start of Semester 2. Online learning hopefully won’t be a recurring theme in the future,…Continue Reading Here we are again…

Where can electrical take you?

We’re hurtling towards midsemester break at an alarming rate. For some, this may be great. For part II electrical/computer systems, it’s absolutely terrifying! It’s not the quantity of due dates for us, but the quality. The most pressing being an interview about our design project thus far. But, I’m not going to think about that for now….Continue Reading Where can electrical take you?

Computer Systems Semester 0b10

Welcome back to the Blogosphere! In this blog post, I’m going to give you some of my initial thoughts on this semester’s courses. For Computer Systems students, this includes three electives: ELECTENG 204, SOFTENG 283 and SOFTENG 284. I chose ELECTENG 204 as my elective, but don’t worry, I’ve brought a friend who can tell…Continue Reading Computer Systems Semester 0b10

A Reasonable Approximation of Mech

Greetings! Seeing the mid-sem test season’s about to begin, why not read a couple blog posts? Might make a good break in between your studies 🙃. Now, I know my first post is a bit… unconventional, so it’s fitting to do a follow up here. This time, less narration, more opinions. Firstly, a proper introduction…Continue Reading A Reasonable Approximation of Mech

Sem 1 – Part II

This post follows on from the last – a retrospective look at the rest of Semester 1.   Life as a student gives you a lot of freedom, but sometimes it can swallow up your time, like a tea towel into a vacuum cleaner.   After the second weekend in a row spent on structural…Continue Reading Sem 1 – Part II