The only mountain I am currently hiking is the mountain of workloads.
(The Lord of The Rings reference at it best)
Hi I guess?
Anyone feels like dropping out from school already?
Honestly, you are not the only one.
Hoping there will be a knight in shining armour to come and rescue you from the very excruciating reality?
I guess you could stop day dreaming now.
This time I want to introduce to everyone about the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).This is an institution that gathers Chemical Engineers around the world and provide a platform for everyone to interact and shares idea in the IChemE website.
How to find them?
Here is the link to the website :
Inside this website you could find a lot more insights to what will your career be like in the future years. There are many conferences held worldwide and the insights from the conferences could be read from there.
Nevertheless, whatever your current situation now is, do not give up and take advantage of the university wellness week to actually wind down once in a while from all those workloads.
For me,
I am currently juggling between 2 presentations, 2 tests, 1 lab report, 1 assignment and 1 task for the group project mentioned in previous post. Frankly speaking if you choose Chemical and Materials as your specialisation next year. During semester 2, TRY HARD to start everything early.
(Don’t say I did not warn you!)
Everything is fun and interesting until you hit this time of the semester.
Do not give up!
We are in this journey together.