Tag: Part II

Introducing the Q+A with Mechatronics Engineers Series: What does a future in mechatronics actually look like?

Alrighty, yesyes you’ve heard enough of the whole “mechatronics is a combo of electrical, mechanical and software” spiel, what does a mechatronics engineer actually do?? Tbh, I still don’t know. Hence, let’s ask fellow mechatronics graduates about their journey! The following posts will cover Q+A discussions with three awesome engineers in three different fields who…Continue Reading Introducing the Q+A with Mechatronics Engineers Series: What does a future in mechatronics actually look like?

Advice on surviving part 2 mechatronics (and part I !!!)

I won’t go through a mechatronics course breakdown because there are enough insightful posts on it from past years. If you wanna know more about our courses through a student perspective, check out James’ (2023 blogger!) posts:  https://student-editorials.blogs.auckland.ac.nz/2023/08/12/first-sem-in-tron/ (SEM 1) https://student-editorials.blogs.auckland.ac.nz/2023/09/23/mechatronics-part-ii-sem-two/ (SEM 2) Instead, today I present: Phyllis’ wise advice on flourishing as an engineering…Continue Reading Advice on surviving part 2 mechatronics (and part I !!!)