Tag: electrical engineering

Electromagnetic In(tro)duction

Welcome! I’m Brian, and I’ll be your Electrical blogger this year. I have been described by my COMPSYS201 lecturer as “making things rather worse,” and I can only hope to carry over this same positive work ethic and dedication as I enter the blog team this year. Outside of my degree, I’m usually chasing deadlines…Continue Reading Electromagnetic In(tro)duction

Why Electrical?

After a nice break from the previous year’s grind, it was time to get back to learning. I was indeed excited – I had already completed one year of my degree and made it through! I was on my way to reaching my goal. Since the second semester of the year before, I knew I…Continue Reading Why Electrical?

Beep Boop

If you’re interested in making things go beep and boop then you’re in the right place. Hi I’m Jonathan and I’m this years computer systems blogger. I chose computer systems because I’m the type of person that’s unable to stick with one thing. I have the attention span of a goldfish so having the ability…Continue Reading Beep Boop

Breadboards & Multi-Metres

12:00 pm, 7th of March 2017: At this exact time, I was sitting somewhere in the middle of the Conference Centre lecture room waiting for my first Electrical Engineering paper (ELECTENG 202). I couldn’t believe how fast the time went by and I’m finally a Part II student doing a specialisation that students describe as…Continue Reading Breadboards & Multi-Metres