So. There’s less than three days left for you to pick a specialisation. Are you ready to decide what to do with the next 45 years of your life? Okay, let’s calm down a little bit. It’s not like you’ll be forced to even start a career in your chosen discipline when you graduate. You…Continue Reading Chasing the Nerd Clout (or, Why Would You Choose Software?)
Deja Vu! I’ve Just Been In This Place Before (or, Semester 2 in Review)
As of today, exam season is over! So, first of all, congratulations on making it through! Regardless of how they went, they’re over now, and life goes on, and that’s all that matters … so are you ready to do it all over again next year? Haha, you think, he’s just joking. Second year is…Continue Reading Deja Vu! I’ve Just Been In This Place Before (or, Semester 2 in Review)
Managing Engineering Time Abound
Most of my posts so far have had a few things in common – a ridiculous title, an introduction with an unusual premise, and an AliExpress-quality sense of humour. This post has none of those things. Okay, who am I kidding. You can’t escape my jokes … just as much as I can’t escape how…Continue Reading Managing Engineering Time Abound
Swiping Right on Your CV (or, Getting a Software Internship)
It’s a Tuesday night. You’re on your phone. Swiping away from your problems. Swipe, swipe swipe … you’re swiping them all right. Trying your hardest to put your best self out there. Waiting to find that perfect match. They’re out there, and you know it. You’re just waiting for one of them to realise that…Continue Reading Swiping Right on Your CV (or, Getting a Software Internship)
Study Spaces (or, Semester 1 in Review)
Your phone dings – it’s a message from your mate. “Where are you?” You step off of your bus and bump into a friend on Symonds Street. “I haven’t seen you in months!” You scamper to your 8am ELECTENG 101 lecture, one minute late. “You must go to the overflow room.” Or maybe none of…Continue Reading Study Spaces (or, Semester 1 in Review)
Metaphorical Wi-Fi (or, Why Did I Choose Software?)
What’s the most humbling experience you’ve had lately? And, wait, what does that have to do with software engineering? And why am I doing this weird kind of intro again? Let me explain. A couple of examples come to mind for me. The first is from one hour ago, when I wanted to start writing…Continue Reading Metaphorical Wi-Fi (or, Why Did I Choose Software?)
Time Travel (or, an Introduction Post)
Imagine if time travel was real. Yeah that doesn’t seem to have much to do with software engineering, but trust me on this one. Just think of all the things you could do if you had the ability to travel through time. What would you change? What wouldn’t you change? So many possibilities – I…Continue Reading Time Travel (or, an Introduction Post)