Tag: 2023

First sem in Tron

Hope everyone is having a great semester so far. Can you believe we are already at the end of week 4? As we all try to get our heads around this engineering gig, I bet some courses have got you scratching your head, and maybe you are wondering what happens in the second year. So,…Continue Reading First sem in Tron

Part II Semester 1 overview

Part II Semester 1…. Well you’re probably wondering how the Civil program is structured….. Heres a rundown of Part II Semester 1: Two Civil papers (Civil 203& Civil 203). A structural paper (Strcteng 200), and a general engineering paper (Engsci 211).  Allow me to break them down for you. ENGSCI 211 (Mathematical Modelling II aka…Continue Reading Part II Semester 1 overview

BME – Tiny But Mighty!

Heya friends! I’m Ashley Jubelag, your Biomedical Engineering Blogger for 2023! ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ Over the next few months, I’ll be giving my honest perspectives on BME (and why I (still) love it so much!) If you’re hardcore on BME, or even if you’re just looking – stick around, and hopefully, these blogs will help guide you…Continue Reading BME – Tiny But Mighty!