And just like that, you have officially past the end of your first year 🥳! Good job for getting through this far, and hope you didn’t get too demoralised by certain courses which I shall not name. I’m sure y’all got plans for this big summer break, now that the Auckland is gradually opening up. Enjoy…Continue Reading So long, and thanks for all the fish
Why Mechatronics?
Hi everyone, and welcome to the second-to-last instalment of my blogs. As I was procrastinating and also pondering on what to write about next, it occurred to me that a lot of you may not even know what Mechatronics Engineering really is. So, here’s a more in-depth intro into the world of Mechatronics and where…Continue Reading Why Mechatronics?
SummAH Internships
One of the worst experiences I’ve had this year is looking for internships. I have spent many hours scrolling Seek, Student Job Search and LinkedIn to try and find a role over summer that will fill those pesky 800 hours of practical work. I learnt the hard way that putting this extra work in early…Continue Reading SummAH Internships
Semester 2 Stimulations: a Wrap-up?
Boom. Before you know it, semester two’s over already. Wow, who would have thought? It felt like we just went into lockdown a few days ago, but you wake up one day and puff, no more classes. Finally, time to catch up on all those lectures you missed the week before the exams 🙃. But…Continue Reading Semester 2 Stimulations: a Wrap-up?
Why should you choose software?
This is a little bittersweet. After finally finishing my last assignment for the semester, it’s crazy that I get the chance to reflect on my journey once more and tell you guys all about it. While I’m typing out this post, I’m reminded of what it was like for me last year. I remember carefully…Continue Reading Why should you choose software?
Sem 2 Paper Run
As we approach exams, its time to start reviewing the content from this semester. Oooor watching Netflix while pretending to study. I have loved most of the content this semester, but revision is tedious. I thought while I was looking over all the content, I thought I’d give you a run down of the papers…Continue Reading Sem 2 Paper Run
Computer Systems: The End
Welcome to the final blog post! I have really enjoyed writing these blog posts, peeling back the layers of Computer Systems and revealing my beautiful cover photos. It has been a nice creative outlet over the last several months and maybe I’ll keep writing somehow… A brief update on the last half of Semester Two……Continue Reading Computer Systems: The End
Why shouldn’t you choose software?
Have you ever done that thing? The thing where you clean your whole room during hell week because you’d rather be doing that than completing all the assignments that are due. That’s me right now, except I’m not cleaning – I’m writing this blog. After watching a bunch of people present their amazing apps in…Continue Reading Why shouldn’t you choose software?
The Internal Struggle of Internship Hunting
Whoever said that internship hunting was a full time job in itself, was not wrong. As the summer sun begins to seep through the blooming trees of spring, and as the academic year finally comes to a close, there’s only one thing on many aspiring engineers’ minds: Did I get the job? Finding an internship…Continue Reading The Internal Struggle of Internship Hunting
What happens when you don’t get into Software?
Computer Systems has a reputation for being where students who didn’t make it into Software go. And maybe it should. Lots of people end up in that situation. But don’t disregard Computer Systems because of that. Computer Systems is a very cool specialisation if you enjoy programming but want the tangibility of holding your projects…Continue Reading What happens when you don’t get into Software?