I thought that (electeng) 101 reasons to choose electrical would be a great post title, and I got so stuck on the gag that I couldn’t stray away from it. So, in the spirit of lame techy jokes, this is 0b101 or 1012 reasons or five reasons to choose electrical. Roughly one year ago, when I was deciding what specialisation I…Continue Reading (ELECTENG) 101 reasons to choose electrical
A summary of electrical part two
My highly anticipated review/summary of the part 2 electrical courses is here. Enjoy~ Semester one ELECTENG 291: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering This is THE electrical paper in semester one. Taught by William Lee and Mark Andrews, it’s guaranteed to be good fun. And good fun it is. Following directly on from ELECTENG 101, we look…Continue Reading A summary of electrical part two
Where can electrical take you?
We’re hurtling towards midsemester break at an alarming rate. For some, this may be great. For part II electrical/computer systems, it’s absolutely terrifying! It’s not the quantity of due dates for us, but the quality. The most pressing being an interview about our design project thus far. But, I’m not going to think about that for now….Continue Reading Where can electrical take you?
A short intro to the darkside
Equipped with little more than Kirchhoff’s laws and a potentially haphazard love for calculus, I decided to choose electrical and electronic engineering (EEE for convenience) as the number one option on my specialisation form. Goodbye friends lost to the other specialisations, ’twas a good one while it lasted. When I tell people I’m doing EEE,…Continue Reading A short intro to the darkside
10 secrets you didn’t know about Engsci (number 8 will shock you!)
Clickbait’s a good way to get attention right? Well, since you’re around, you might as well give the electrical blog a final read. Hi all, and welcome to what is my last blog for 2019! As promised, I’ll finally give you the rundown of our second-year Electrical design project (which is shared with Computer Systems…Continue Reading 10 secrets you didn’t know about Engsci (number 8 will shock you!)
WILLIAM LEE: as presented by Spark Arena
Welcome back to the electrical blog, and you guys are in for a real treat today! I had a chat with electrical engineering messiah William Lee about all things electrical: why he chose the subject, how he found his experiences working in the industry, and of course – the most pressing scoop – the inspiration…Continue Reading WILLIAM LEE: as presented by Spark Arena
In Conversation with Glorified Sparkies in Training: Part 2
Welcome back to the electrical blog! Today, I’m back talking with some friends within my specialization about why they chose electrical, and what they get up to outside of their degree in their spare time. Let’s jump right back into it! Name: Niwanthi What attracted you to Electrical Engineering? The small-scale nature of the field…Continue Reading In Conversation with Glorified Sparkies in Training: Part 2
‘What is Engineering Science?’ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.
[Before we start, you’ve probably realised that I’m terrible at giving in-depth summaries of course content. Last year’s blogger Chantelle covers this semester’s content in good detail, all of which has barely changed over the previous year.] “If these past few weeks have reassured us electrical engineers of anything, it’s that we’re by no means…Continue Reading ‘What is Engineering Science?’ and other questions I ask myself in Electrical.
In Conversation with Glorified Sparkies in Training: Part 1
Reflecting on my last two blogs, I’d call it fair to say that I haven’t done the greatest job selling electrical engineering. Sure, I’ve made numerous forgettable jokes here and there, but it’s probably time to give you some actual insights into what second year is like in electrical. At this point, you’re probably expecting…Continue Reading In Conversation with Glorified Sparkies in Training: Part 1
You Should Visit Your Dentist; It’s a Lovely Time of Year
From the offset of first year, when my innocent eyes perused the bounteous selection of specializations on offer, my heart was set on one special option. Throughout the year, I remained unwavering in my decision, and by the time selection rolled out, the same option returned to the forefront of my mind. That option in…Continue Reading You Should Visit Your Dentist; It’s a Lovely Time of Year