Category: Computer Systems Engineering

Reflections and Forecasts

Year Review Reaching the end of the semester 2 feels like gaps of sunlight in the long tunnel of engineering that I backrooms-style glitched into. I actually felt somewhat empty knowing that the only thing I have to worry about is 2 exams 2 weeks away and this final blog post which I of course…Continue Reading Reflections and Forecasts

What is CompSys; Is it fun?

Hello! Welcome back to another yap session. Today I’m going through some FAQs and by FAQ I mean maybe like 1 or 2 people have asked me. ⚠️ Disclaimer: Some of this might be wrong but this is what I’ve gathered during my time.  What do Computer Systems Students actually do? Something you might’ve heard…Continue Reading What is CompSys; Is it fun?

Wrapping up

As I conclude this semester in the field of computer systems engineering, I find myself in a reflective state, contemplating the incredible journey I’ve embarked upon. Opting for this specialization was a significant decision for me, one that has profoundly shaped my identity and perspective within the tech industry. Throughout this semester, I’ve delved deeply…Continue Reading Wrapping up

A Close Look At 209

(ELECTENG/COMPSYS 209) Disclaimer:This will, by no doubt, be the hardest course you would have taken in the first 2 years of electrical / compsys engineering. It will take so much of your time and it is quite heavy on electrical concepts, so if you are thinking about doing compsys after not getting into software but…Continue Reading A Close Look At 209

Exploring Electronics and Algorithms: ELECTENG 292 and SOFTENG 284

ELECTENG 292 : Electronics This course starts off amazingly with opamps. The thing that EVERYONE understood and LOVED in 101… If you’re scared about these dodgy triangles and didn’t understand anything (like me), then you’re literally chilling. I was sacking it for a bit when I realised how important these components are in electronics, but…Continue Reading Exploring Electronics and Algorithms: ELECTENG 292 and SOFTENG 284