Chemical and Materials: Real-World Applications

Are you curious about how chemical materials engineering translates into real-world applications and groundbreaking innovations? In this blog post, we’ll explore some fascinating case studies that highlight the tangible impact of chemical materials engineers on technology and society.

Water Treatment

Clean water is crucial, and chemical engineers play a vital role in ensuring it. Whether it’s handling sewage treatment or converting seawater into freshwater through desalination, they harness their chemistry knowledge to get rid of all the icky stuff from our water supply. Plus, with the population booming, the need for clean water keeps on rising. So, if you’re on the lookout for a fulfilling career, this field is a fantastic choice.

Take Watercare for instance, the company that cleans Auckland’s wastewater and provides us clean water to help our city run! Haven’t you ever wondered where your poop ends up when you flush the toilet each morning? Or where does all the water we use come from? Or how do they travel around the city? Here’s a short video about one of their latest projects: the Central Interceptor

Food production

Chemical engineers aren’t just whipping up new food creations; they’re also the unsung heroes behind the scenes, making sure our food is safe and delicious. They’re the ones developing innovative ways to process and manufacture the grub we chow down on. Whether it’s finding more efficient methods for pasteurizing milk or creating innovative packaging solutions for meats, they’ve got it covered. Their work isn’t just about making the snacks you eat every day; it’s about ensuring food safety and quality. Plus, it can make food production more efficient, which means more food for everyone at lower costs.

In New Zealand, one of the biggest food production companies to exist is Fonterra!! And did you know how many companies Fonterra supplies to? Anchor? Fresh ‘n Fruity yoghurt? the Kāpiti ice creams, Primo? Yup all of these and soo many more.

Energy Engineering

If you’re a petrolhead or just someone who loves their wheels, you know that energy keeps those engines purring. And where there’s a need for energy, you’ll find the heroes of energy engineering. These folks are all about pushing the envelope when it comes to energy sources. They’re the brains behind the scenes, dreaming up new and sustainable ways to power our world. Picture them tinkering away on those sleek solar cells or those mighty wind turbines, all to keep the energy flowing.

But hold onto your horsepower, it’s not all about renewables. Chemical engineers are also wizards when it comes to making our current energy sources work smarter, not harder. They’re like the pit crew for our power plants, fine-tuning them to be more efficient and eco-friendly. So, whether you’re into electric cars, wind farms, or just a fan of keeping the lights on, you’ve got energy engineers to thank for keeping the wheels turning and the world running.

Developing New Materials

Material science is where chemical engineers flex their innovative muscles. These engineers are like the magicians of materials, conjuring up new substances using their chemistry and physics wizardry. Thanks to advancements in nanotechnology, the world of materials has seen an explosion of possibilities. We’re talking about super-strong, feather-light materials and those with mind-blowing properties that were once the stuff of science fiction.

And here’s where it gets even cooler – nanotechnology is like the secret sauce that’s unlocked the potential for self-healing materials. Imagine structures that can patch up their own cracks or aircraft that fix their dings and dents. It’s like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but it’s becoming a reality, all thanks to the groundbreaking work of these chemical engineers. So, when you see a gleaming skyscraper or a sleek airplane, remember that there’s a whole world of material magic happening behind the scenes.


If you want to work in the pharmaceutical industry, you’ll need to be a chemical engineer. From developing new drugs to manufacturing and packaging them, chemical engineers play a vital role in getting life-saving medicines into our hands. And it’s not just about making sure that the pills are soluble; they also have to ensure that they’re stable and won’t degrade over time.

These real-life examples paint a vivid picture of how chemical materials engineering is far from just theoretical. It’s a field that empowers engineers to roll up their sleeves and tackle intricate problems, spark innovation, and pave the way for a future that’s not just brighter but more sustainable too. If you’re someone who’s all about rolling up your sleeves, diving into challenges headfirst, and dreaming of a world with less problems and more solutions, then chemical materials engineering might just be the perfect fit for you. I hope this gives you an insight of the platter of opportunities CHEMMAT can offer!

Good luck with your assignments! I’ll catch you soon!

Hirushi 🙂

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