It seems like all that everyone talks about is internship. If the prospect of applying to lots of companies, knowing you have very little to offer, is daunting to you, welcome to Part II Engineering! My Experience Internship hunting is hard, especially for someone who has only worked in a family business and never had…Continue Reading Internship hunt as a second year civil student!
Will I get any Internships in BME?
The sad truth is lots of people steer clear of BME because of the perpetuating notion that there is a lack of internships with this specialsiation. This is true if you think it is. However, it is not. As a fellow BME PhD student once told me, it is the way you advertise yourself to…Continue Reading Will I get any Internships in BME?
Semester 2 of BME
Welcome back to the blog! Hope everyone is doing well during the exam period. As we marked the end of semester 2 a few weeks back, I can now tell you what you can actually expect from it. For starters, I would say it is slightly worse than semester 1 (which is shocking as I…Continue Reading Semester 2 of BME
Goodness gracious it’s just about the end of year two! As much as I may not like the way that it sounds when said out loud, this marks the halfway point of my degree. Having reached midway one might expect feelings of confidence, competence or even congruence in regard to one’s specialisation … I had…Continue Reading Why-EEE?
Everything you need to know about Second Sem Civil and Structural!
If I am to describe the second semester for Civil and Structural engineering in one word, it would be “teamwork”. In contrast to the calculation-heavy semester one, semester two revolves around group projects and reports. There are fewer assignments but each assignment is worth a lot in terms of grade and almost always involves other…Continue Reading Everything you need to know about Second Sem Civil and Structural!