Tag: mechanical engineering


Sun-lit field with trees.

And… here we go again. August 17, 15:03, 206-115. The news dropped. Delta emerging, lockdown imposing, hug your mates and say goodbyes, online lectures await. I expected a lockdown for a while back then, but just like assignment deadlines, it hits you the hardest when its in your face. And now, Auckland’s broke its own…Continue Reading Lock(down)smithing

Mech is Coming


The night is dark and full of terrors.  Wind howled in the night sky, trees battered against moonlit windows. Used mugs clustered on the counter, their contents consumed. The perpetrators lurk around a table nearby, amidst a pile of books and screens. Their caffeine-infused throats chanted elusive words, passed down from ancient times.  “Why isn’t…Continue Reading Mech is Coming

Into the Fire

I’m aware that I never introduced myself with my last blog, so I suppose I should get that over and done with. Hi, my names Connor Pearson. I’m studying a Mechanical Engineering/Biology Conjoint. My home town is Napier (about halfway down the East Coast of the North Island). It’s a really great place, especially in…Continue Reading Into the Fire

What Doesn’t Kill You

You’d hope that after a whole year studying engineering, I’d have some idea about the specialisation of my choice, but I can honestly say that I had no idea. The last few minutes before the submission deadline were some of the most nerve-racking of my life as I underwent a soul-searching journey to decide what…Continue Reading What Doesn’t Kill You

Why Mechanical?

What is it like to be a girl in Mechanical Engineering? This is one of the two most frequent questions I get asked nowadays. The other being “Why Mechanical?” Well, let me break it down for you. Yes, I am one of the dozen girls in part two Mechanical Engineering but that doesn’t make me…Continue Reading Why Mechanical?