As of today, exam season is over! So, first of all, congratulations on making it through! Regardless of how they went, they’re over now, and life goes on, and that’s all that matters … so are you ready to do it all over again next year? Haha, you think, he’s just joking. Second year is…Continue Reading Deja Vu! I’ve Just Been In This Place Before (or, Semester 2 in Review)
Study Spaces (or, Semester 1 in Review)
Your phone dings – it’s a message from your mate. “Where are you?” You step off of your bus and bump into a friend on Symonds Street. “I haven’t seen you in months!” You scamper to your 8am ELECTENG 101 lecture, one minute late. “You must go to the overflow room.” Or maybe none of…Continue Reading Study Spaces (or, Semester 1 in Review)