Category: 2024

Introducing the Q+A with Mechatronics Engineers Series: What does a future in mechatronics actually look like?

Alrighty, yesyes you’ve heard enough of the whole “mechatronics is a combo of electrical, mechanical and software” spiel, what does a mechatronics engineer actually do?? Tbh, I still don’t know. Hence, let’s ask fellow mechatronics graduates about their journey! The following posts will cover Q+A discussions with three awesome engineers in three different fields who…Continue Reading Introducing the Q+A with Mechatronics Engineers Series: What does a future in mechatronics actually look like?

3) Be Positive! (For the sake of everyone reading, this is my Mid-Sem woes as an Electrical Student)

Staring out into the distance, I think about mid semester…

No matter watt! Considering that we are now entering the mid-semester study break (it’s never a vacation for us Engineering students, unfortunately), I’m sure that you also want to kick it back and not want to think about the work upcoming in two weeks, right? It’s a good time for me to gather my thoughts…Continue Reading 3) Be Positive! (For the sake of everyone reading, this is my Mid-Sem woes as an Electrical Student)

a beginner’s guide to choosing your specialistion (and why I chose software)

Hi everyone, it’s me again (〃´ω`〃)! As I am writing this, I am on my flight back home for the mid-semester break ✈️ Since it’s already mid-semester, you all must be thinking (hopefully not panicking) about what specialisation you want to choose for next year 🤔☁️But never fear, Kimberley is here, and I will share…Continue Reading a beginner’s guide to choosing your specialistion (and why I chose software)