Hi there, I am Kunal and I am studying Computer Systems Engineering. Here are some things about me.
- I was born in India but moved to New Zealand when I was 8 years old.
- I am pretty athletic, as I do karate, cricket, hockey and I used to play basketball
- I love coffee and chocolate (who doesn’t)
I initially wanted to do software engineering because I have been programming for such a long time it seems like as if I started programming the day I was born, but I also wanted to Electrical engineering because I found ELECTENG101 interesting in first year and I thought it had a good career growth.
Now there I was, contemplating on the pros and cons list I had made and it got me nowhere. I decided to head back to the specialisation page and what do I find, a link to the computer systems engineering page. Which redirected me to the webpage which changed my life (not really), and where I read that computer system offered exactly what I wanted, a few electrical papers and a few software related papers. And then there was a decision, the decision to apply for Computer Systems Engineering.
I think I made the right decision choosing COMPSYS and I’m glad, that I will be able to help you make a decision for your specialisation application by providing you with an insight of Computer Systems Engineering and if you have any questions feel free to message me on Facebook or via email.