Day: October 10, 2023

A Close Look At 209

(ELECTENG/COMPSYS 209) Disclaimer:This will, by no doubt, be the hardest course you would have taken in the first 2 years of electrical / compsys engineering. It will take so much of your time and it is quite heavy on electrical concepts, so if you are thinking about doing compsys after not getting into software but…Continue Reading A Close Look At 209

Bridging Theory and Practice: Electeng/Compsys 209 – PCB, Firmware Design, and Real-World Insights

Electrical Engineering isn’t just about theory; it’s about turning ideas into reality. In Electeng/Compsys 209, we bridge the gap between knowledge and application through PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and Firmware design. But that’s not all; this course also offers an exceptional opportunity to learn from experienced engineers who share their insights and journey in the…Continue Reading Bridging Theory and Practice: Electeng/Compsys 209 – PCB, Firmware Design, and Real-World Insights