Sarina Todd
Hey there! I’m Sarina – a hyperactive, coffee addicted Mechatronics Engineering student. I get to study a weird combination of mechanical, electrical, software and computer systems, looking into smart technology, robotics and automation.

Sor Taing
Greetings from your typical civil and structural engineering student! Caffeinated, bridge-loving, lecture-lagging, Rick and Morty-watching, slightly overexcited I-beam enthusiast! I am also an avid supporter of building and breaking stuff! Like a moody pup that hates the drive to the vet, I can’t wait to embark on this journey!

Jacob Mathew
Hello everyone ! I’m Jacob, your lucky Biomedical Engineering Blogger. I like to bake, eat out and watch tv shows. If you are interested in bridging the gap between technology and medicine, then this specialisation is certainly something you need to consider. Welcome to a series of posts about what this specialisation entails 🙂

Sophie Pease
Hey there! I’m Sophie and your Part II Mechanical blogger for 2022. Join me as I navigate through the hectic second year of mech. We dive deeper into design, analysis, mechanics, manufacture and all other areas in one of the oldest branches of engineering.

Lachlan Hickey
Heyo, I’m Lachlan the part 2 Computer Systems blogger, I like going to the gym with mates, playin vidya and procrastinating uni. Come check out my posts to get a better idea of what studying compsys is like and where you can go with it 👍

Natalie Lau
Hey team! I’m Natalie, an Engineering Science and Asian Studies conjoint student, and I’m your ENGSCI Part 2 blogger this year! I know what you’re thinking: what is engsci? It’s been a year and I still don’t really know to be honest (I’m scared and it’s too late to ask)- guess we’ll try figure it out together 🙂

Vishva Dave
Hi! Vishva is a 2nd year Software Engineering student at the University of Auckland who doesn’t know why he’s speaking in the third person. Some things I love are basketball (if you support the Pelicans we’re already mates), watching movies, and making dry jokes. Follow me in this step of my degree journey!

Fraser McDowell
Welcome! Have you found ELECTENG 101 irresistible, does William Lee’s presence energise you, or do PCBs get you amped? More power to you! Read on to find out where EEE can take you: power systems, electronics, signal processing and beyond.

Cassandra Farmilo
Hey guys! I’m Cassie, a Chemical and Materials engineering student. I’m from Hamilton (unfortunately) and love baking and fibre arts. I’m also a WEN leader, math tutor, and run a Girls Guides unit!