One of the worst experiences I’ve had this year is looking for internships. I have spent many hours scrolling Seek, Student Job Search and LinkedIn to try and find a role over summer that will fill those pesky 800 hours of practical work. I learnt the hard way that putting this extra work in early…Continue Reading SummAH Internships
Semester 2 Stimulations: a Wrap-up?

Boom. Before you know it, semester two’s over already. Wow, who would have thought? It felt like we just went into lockdown a few days ago, but you wake up one day and puff, no more classes. Finally, time to catch up on all those lectures you missed the week before the exams 🙃. But…Continue Reading Semester 2 Stimulations: a Wrap-up?
Why should you choose software?

This is a little bittersweet. After finally finishing my last assignment for the semester, it’s crazy that I get the chance to reflect on my journey once more and tell you guys all about it. While I’m typing out this post, I’m reminded of what it was like for me last year. I remember carefully…Continue Reading Why should you choose software?