Aathira’s introduction

Hello World.

My name is Aathira and I’m here to give you a taster of what it’s like to be a Mechanical Engineering student.

A little bit about me:

  • I am a black belt in Taekwondo
  • My family migrated to New Zealand when I was 7
  • Food is the love of my life
  • I listen to songs in six different languages

Why Mechanical you ask? Like everyone else, I was on the sitting on the fence regarding the choice of my specialization. In the end, I chose Mechanical Engineering and I am happy to say that it has served me well so far.

Mechanical is one of the oldest specializations within the field of engineering. With time, comes the accumulated knowledge passed on over centuries. That’s the exciting thing about Mechanical Engineering. With it being a broad specialization, there is an adrenaline pumping challenge awaiting for you every step of your journey. That’s what I’ve grown to love about the specialization. And through my posts, I hope to convey my new found passion for exploring the mechanics of the world.
